Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American philosopher, said, “The primary wisdom is intuition.” Intuition is not just a theory–it is part of who we are. Without training, we can sometimes use intuition to make good decisions. If we learn to use our intuition every day, we will probably be happier with the results.
There are many ways we sabotage our natural intuition all the time. Here are nine examples and what we can choose to do instead:
We hurry so much that we don’t take time to listen to our intuition.
First, we try to control everything and end up overthinking. We don’t trust our intuition because we haven’t developed.
– We need to slow down or be still to hear our intuition.
We don’t look for the symbolism in things or events nor do we develop our symbolic ability.
Instead of overthinking, we can take a deep breath and let go. We can start by making small decisions with our intuition.
– We need to be open to possibilities.
We let our ego control us, and insist on being in charge/controlling everything around us.
We need to be aware of our ego and let go of the need to control. We compare ourselves to others and get too much in our heads.
– The presence of your intuition threatens the ego.
We confuse intuition with fear and wishful thinking.
We can learn to trust our intuition by practicing with small decisions. What are some things you do that sabotage your intuition?
– When we stay in our heads and let our emotions control us, we lose the gift of what our intuition can offer.
We continue to associate with people who don’t believe in intuition or want to use it.
It’s hard to use our intuition when the people around us don’t support it. Find a group of like-minded people by creating your own circle of friends.
– Intuition is contagious. But so is a lack of intuition.
We think we can force intuition just like we can pedal a bike or pump weights.
– Intuition comes where and when invited, but not on-demand.
We insist on staying in our logical, rational, analytical thinking as the only way to find solutions to problems or make decisions or find solutions.
Intuition is not just a “gut feeling.” We can access more information than what is available to our conscious, rational minds. We allow other people’s opinions to override our intuition. We need to be confident in ourselves and learn to trust our intuition.
– When we are centered, using all our emotional intelligence tools and habits, intuition can flood us with many creative alternatives that the intellect could not conceive.
We listen to our ego when it tells us it can handle the problem or situation itself.
The ego is not the captain of the ship; intuition is.
There are many more ways we sabotage our intuition, but these are some of the main ones. Learning to use and trust our intuition can be a game-changer in life. Instinct is that little voice inside us that knows things we don’t. It’s our body’s way of protecting us from danger and keeping us safe. But often override it with our logic and reasoning, or we don’t listen to it.
If you find yourself second-guessing your gut instinct more often than not, chances are you could benefit from learning how to trust your intuition again.
– We allow the ego to reject the insights that intuition offers.
We believe we don’t need to learn tools, skills and habits to master our intuition.
Intuition is a natural human ability, but it can be developed and improved with practice like any other skill.
When we are aware of how we sabotage our intuition, it becomes easier to take steps to correct the behavior. By making a conscious effort to use our intuition more often, we can improve the quality of our decision-making and find more satisfaction in life.
– By getting trapped in the endless loop of our heads, we never get a chance to develop our intuition to see how good it can become.
One of the most intelligent people in the 20th century, Albert Einstein, said that intuition is one of the most valuable things. He said this after lots of thinking and analyzing. Intuition might be something you should try too. You could get better at it with practice and learn from your successes.
So there are 9 ways we unintentionally sabotage our intuition. What can we do to correct it?
1. Slow down and be still to hear our intuition.
2. Be open to possibilities and look for symbolism in things and events.
3. Let go of the need to control everything and allow our intuition to flow.
4. Distinguish between intuition and fear or wishful thinking.
5. Spend time with people who believe in and use their intuition.
6. Don’t try to force intuition, but be open to receiving it.
7. Use all of our emotional intelligence tools and habits to develop our intuition.
8. Listen to our intuition when it speaks to us.
9. Practice using our intuition until it becomes second nature.
Intuition is a natural ability that we all have, but many of us don’t use it or even know how to develop it further. By becoming aware of how we sabotage our intuition and making a conscious effort to correct them, we can start to live more intuitively and reap the benefits of doing so.
What are some other ways we might unintentionally sabotage our intuition? We love insight and feedback from you guys, so- comment below; we would love to know! ❤️