Everyone deals with family stress from time to time. The biggest problem with this type of stress is that it stays in your home, where you want to spend your time relaxing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Stress in the home is detrimental to your health and can cause sleeping problems, feelings of exhaustion, and other negative effects for…
6 Strategies to Help Your Child Let Go of Non-Essential Items
Cleaning a child’s room can lead to meltdowns from the child and feelings of guilt for you. Children can have a difficult time letting go of objects that need to be tossed. However, with some effective strategies, it’s possible to have a clean house and happy children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E It’s important to approach the situation with…
Improving Your Child’s Lackluster Grades
Parents all around the world can attest to the difficulty of raising children – especially the challenges of unsatisfactory grades on a child’s report card. Do you find yourself wishing there was a way to help your child get better grades? Are you concerned that your child isn’t performing to the best of his or…
Encourage Healthy Eating by Making Mealtime Fun for Your Kids
Do you have picky eaters who dread sitting down at the table for a meal? Make mealtime fun for your children and encourage them to eat healthy at the same time. You’ll instill nutritious eating habits for a lifetime of health benefits! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Try these ideas to add some fun to your healthy meals: 1….
A Parent’s Guide to Easing the Stress of Moving with Children
Moving can be tough on children. A recent study found that kids who move frequently have fewer close friendships and lower life satisfaction as adults. Fortunately, parents can help ease the transition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E That’s important because census data shows that more families are moving again. Migration is up after a few years when the recession…
Grow Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence
Studies consistently show that emotional intelligence is much more important than IQ because it relates directly to happiness and success. Many highly intelligent adults struggle in day-to-day life due to a lack of emotional intelligence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Making an effort to increase your child’s emotional intelligence is one of your most important tasks as a parent….
Sharing the Responsibility for Family Planning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Men worldwide are getting more involved in family planning, thanks to changes in technology and culture. Everyone benefits when couples share the responsibility for family planning. When considering the weighty issues that are before you and the next steps you should take, think carefully about the following: 1. Recognize that parenthood is a big…
A Practical Guide for Siblings Who Share Caregiving for Aging Parents
When you’re caring for your aging parents, you can use all the help your siblings have to offer. Your brothers and sisters can provide a tremendous amount of support, but there may also be challenging family dynamics to manage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Learn how to lighten your load and draw your family closer together by sharing caregiving…
6 Ways to Help Your Children Get a Great Start at Their New School
Changing schools can be a difficult process for children. However, going to a new school doesn’t have to be a source of stress and anxiety for your children. You can make the transition to a new school easier and more fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E Try these ideas: 1. Avoid dismissing your children’s fears. They may be genuinely…
Help Your Daughter Develop a Positive Body Image
Young girls get bombarded with media messages that can make it hard for them to feel good about their appearance. Here are some practical ways to help your daughter develop healthy self-esteem about her appearance. Managing Media Messages 1. Establish limits. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting TV time to two hours a day…