Use These Strategies To Create A Vision Board That Works!
1. Be, Do, Have. If you haven’t heard this statement before, it simply means in order to be successful in our goals we must be the person that can do the things to have the achievement.
Although it sounds cliche and almost new age, it holds truth and this mindset is essential to have in order to instill the work ethic and enthusiasm needed to change your life. So always remember. BE. DO. HAVE.
2. Find Visual Images that really envoke emotion and drive. When we become complacent and forgetful, it is much harder to stay committed to what we want to achieve, especially when we face obstacles.
Visiting these visual images routinely and taking the time and space to remind ourselves of the big dream is an effective way to stay on task.
* Much of these tips are a good working mix of strategy and mindset so be willing to be open minded and adopt behaviors- even if you think it’s silly- it’s all necessary for transformation.
3. Be Persistent. I have mentioned this time and time again, but it really is that important.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and your well designed, beautiful, authentic, audaciously wild and big life won’t be built in a day either. Keep at it and when you feel yourself straying, use your board to refocus and gain some insight.
4. Start and end your day with your board. The brian works in funny ways and many times we forget that sleep is our best time for problem solving.
Our subconscious and dreaming state is constantly bringing creative solutions and input to our minds that we can then use in practice day to day.
It’s important to allow the time and space for this process to happen and then celebrate every epiphany by taking inspired action.
5. Enjoy the process. Falling in love with the transformation is the most important step.
When we feel like things are chores to do- we don’t get excited about them. Learn to love learning and learn to see adversity as valuable lessons.
Meet The Creator of The Vision Integration Method™
Connect With Rebeca Lima
Rebeca is a world renowned business coach & Creator of The Vision Integration Method ™
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Rachel Herrera is a world renowned life coach & e-commerce strategist certified in the Vision Integration Method™