Making your own bath salts is a wonderful method to use aromatherapy at home. You can use any combination of essential oils that you like to create a unique fragrance for your bath salts. In addition, you can also add other ingredients such as dried herbs or flowers (even healing crystals if they are water-friendly)…
Tag: Wellness
Is Aromatherapy a New Age Fad Or Ancient Wisdom?
Aromatherapy is the practice of utilizing plant extracts to create therapeutic benefits. These essential oils have a variety of applications and may be used to treat medical and mental ailments. can also be used for pleasure, to help you feel better, or reduce stress. Essential oils have the ability to impact both your physical and…
The Seven Chakras: An Introduction
Chakras have recently gained popularity, as with the rise in popularity of yoga and New Age ideas in general. They are a sophisticated and ancient energy system that originated in India. Chakra is a Sanskrit term that refers to a spinning wheel. These are seven energy centers embedded in the spine. Each chakra represents…
Opening Your Mind to Energy Healing Modalities Like Reiki
Many people dismiss energy healing since they believe it is nonsense, but there are a lot of people who could benefit from it. Many individuals believe that seeking regular care is the greatest option. While standard medical treatment has its place, there’s also a role for natural medicine. There are many people who get…
18 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
Everything in the Universe is made up of energy vibrating at various frequencies. Even intangibles such as our goals, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are vibrations that move through the Universe. Our vibrational frequency rises or falls depending on their universal value, even if our actions, words, ideas, and concepts change. Every person is different,…
Healing Crystals for Energy Protection and Anxiety
Crystals have been used for centuries for their healing properties. Different crystals have different uses, depending on their type. Some crystals are believed to help with physical healing, while others are thought to be helpful in spiritual or emotional healing. By holding or carrying certain crystals, you can promote balance and peace within yourself.…
Spiritual Wellness Can Create Balance in Your Life
Are you searching for deeper spiritual meaning in your life? You’re not alone; the hectic demands of life in the 21st-century has made many people feel disconnected. Perhaps what you need is a spiritual connection to bring about a sense of balance and completion in your life. Many people confuse spirituality with religion and believe…
4 Keys to Stress Relief
Do you feel more stressed out than ever? Is your work life so hectic that you’re starting to burn out? Do your friends always expect you to pull them out of their jams? If you’re desperately seeking peace and relief from the hustle and bustle of your demanding life, the good news is that there are…
Handle Your Anger at Home 5 Ways to DeStress and Relax
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Find Inner Peace in Chaos
Life can be truly hectic, even chaotic, if we don’t stop now and then to take a few minutes for ourselves. With the invention of computers, our work lives were supposed to get easier, but it’s gotten busier than ever before! The original mentality was that computers would allow us to get the same…